Monday, February 25, 2008

Be childlike...not childish......

So i am finally done with exams..........pheeeeww...this phase can be irritating sometimes....but now as it has elapsed, its time to rock and roll baby!!!!!!(ok ok ho gaya...hehe)
I would like to share something which my dad discussed with me today with you guys...I think its very interesting....
Dad back from work , and there we were having dinner together....He is so fond of books that i sometimes ask him to read some of my text books and explain me something out of them!!
He started telling a story about a poor man who lived just adjacent to a shahi hotel....The poor man was daily so mesmerized by the aroma of the delicious food cooking in that hotel that he used to come outside his hut with his simple food and enjoy it while inhaling the aroma of the 5 star food..
One month passed and the hotel manager came to this man and handed him a bill for the mouth watering aroma he inhaled for the month..

Now the poor man went inside and came out with a old box in which he used to keep his coins and went close to the manager and shaking the box close to the manager's ears he said "Here's the payment.."
This is one of the tales from the book(naam ni pata yaar...par badi ghent hai..) i spent one hour reading today....
Once a Zen master calls all his monks together for the selection of a chief for the new monastery...He places a jar filed with water on the ground and says "Say something about this jar full of water without using its name.."
The chief monk, who was hopeful of getting the position said "no one can call it a wooden shoe.."
Another said" it cannot be called a pond because it can be carried by hand.."
Suddenly then, the cook came, kicked the jar and walked away.....
The master said" the cook has been chosen as the chief of the new monastery"....

ok ok....i know its difficult to make head or tail out of this story, but the part that followed this epitome was enlightening..
What the master meant by saying that say something about this jar full of water without using its name was that he wanted the monks to describe the thing without using mind, without using language, without using its name....sounds stupid..rite????How can something be described without using mind???How can something be described without using language????
Mind requires language to describe something, without language, everything seems to be paralyzed..isn't it???We have the habit of premeditating.....But doesn't it sound real when i say that life is so spontaneous.....everything that is planned is dead......The river, the birds , they are so spontaneous........In the morning, the river flows reflecting the gold color of the sun, it has a different mood during the evening spontaneous.... What is the essence of life if it is preplanned??
We ruin our present deciding for the future despite the fact that life is spontaneous...u never know what happens next??Anything planned is past....Future is spontaneous.....

Thats exactly what the zen master wanted his monks to respond spontaneously.....not some preplanned answers from the scriptures or something like that......Only the cook understood the essence of the problem....How can something be described without using language???Its so absurd...Something can be done(action) without language, but how can something be described without it??So he went , kicked the jar and went away....Actually he kicked the whole problem as if saying what is this nonsense??I don't belong to this place.....he acted spontaneously......So thats todays childlike, not childish..How happy we people feel when we see a child playing..acting so spontaneously that we get so absorbed in his childlike activities forgetting all the tensions in life..................................
I think the one hour spent was worth it..I have tried to express what i read in the best possible way i could, but plz keep the comments coming.......Gud nite.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

quite a lot of deep meaning!!
i took me a few minutes to figure it out!!
anyways nice effort...awesome story..keep it up!